How To Win The Slot Machines In Pokemon Gold

  1. How To Win The Slot Machines In Pokemon Gold Coins

Slot machines are the loudest and most colorful attractions in a casino. With their fun themes and large jackpot values, they’re designed to pull you in and drain you of your money in small increments. Though slot machines always favor the house, you can use a few tricks to help you beat the odds.

Progressive Jackpot Slot Pros

By Arnold Snyder
(From Casino Player, August 1995)
© 1995 Arnold Snyder

Professional gamblers beat slots either by limiting their slot play to progressive jackpot slots at which the jackpot has gotten big enough to give a player advantage, or by using slot play to milk various kinds of loss rebates and free money offers, in both online and brick-and-mortar casinos. Usually professional slot players combine both methods—that is, they wait until the jackpot is close to giving a player advantage, and take advantage of casino points and comps as well.

In order to use the first method in slot games other than video poker, you have to record the results of enough spins on a slot game to determine the frequency of each type of payout and the percentage of your bet that goes into the jackpot. From this you can determine the house edge on the game. This all takes some work and a good understanding of the math involved..

How to win coins in pokemon gold

Professional gamblers tend to either be good at math, or rich enough to hire someone who is. And they tend to be very dedicated about playing at casinos that give the most back for their play, through good points programs and comps.

How to Beat Slots: Tips for Recreational Players


A recreational gambler who enjoys playing slots, and expects to play slots regularly over a period of many years, would probably do better over the long term playing only progressive jackpot slots on which the jackpot was significantly larger than the average level at which it goes off.

Just be aware that you can't know for sure where a player advantage starts unless you go through the process of mathematically analyzing the game. And no matter how big the jackpot gets, it doesn't guarantee that you will win the jackpot, or even that the jackpot will go off while you're in town. There are no short-term win guarantees in gambling, not even for professional gamblers.

All a player advantage means is that, if you limit your play to such situations, and you put in enough hours, you will likely make more money in the long run than you put in. But the long run can mean a very long time, and if you play only a few hours a year, you may not get in enough hours in an entire lifetime to get ahead.

So no matter how big the jackpot gets, you should play only an amount that you can afford to lose without it affecting your lifestyle.

Also, slot pros don't like to play for too small an advantage, so they'll usually wait until the jackpot is significantly bigger than the minimum level necessary to turn the advantage to the player. On the other hand, if they know they'll be getting valuable points and comps for their play, they can play for a slightly smaller jackpot and still have a player advantage overall.

Pros generally prefer to play jackpots with a smaller average jackpot size than a gigantic average jackpot size. For example, a slot with an average jackpot payoff of $3,000 or $10,000 is considered a better bet than a slot with an average jackpot payoff of $1 million, because the variance on the games with the smaller average jackpots will be a lot lower. (That means a pro will require less of a bankroll to make sure he won't go broke chasing the jackpot.)

But professional slot players typically have very large bankrolls to play on—much larger than the average Las Vegas recreational player, who may bring a few hundred dollars in mad money to Vegas to try her luck. Slot pros who find a game where the progressive jackpot gives a player advantage are generally prepared to put in whatever money and hours it takes to keep playing until the jackpot goes off. And if that player is not the person to win that jackpot, he'll stiill have plenty of bankroll left to go after the next jackpot, whenever a player advantage occurs. He won't be broke.

Again, the reason the pros need such a big bankroll is because even when you're playing a progressive jackpot slot with a decent player advantage, you can't guarantee you'll win that jackpot. All a player advantage means is that you can know you'll win over the long run if you put in enough play.

For more information on how professional gamblers beat slots, read Million Dollar Slots by Peter Liston, an accountant turned high school teacher turned professional slot player.

The Casino Perspective on Players Who Know How to Beat Slots

Question from a Player: As a semipro card counter for about two years, mostly in Las Vegas, I have finally given it up for . . . the slots! The heat and the harassment associated with card counting finally wore me down. I’ve hooked up with a pretty well-financed video poker team. The money is steady and the heat is nil. It’s boring, but you can’t have everything.

What I don’t understand is this: Why is there no heat? Some of my teammates, to be honest, are downright rude when we go in to take over a bank of slot machines. Getting rid of the “tourists” is one of my least favorite parts of this job. I’m just a “worker ant” on this team, but I’d like to start running my own slot teams in the future. My technical question is this: Is there a mathematical formula for figuring out how much each “tourist” on a bank costs you in win expectation?

Answer: In the May issue of Casino Journal, Anthony Cabot, in his “Gaming Law” column, addresses the problem of professional slot teams from the casino perspective. He compares the problems casinos have with slot pros to the problems they have with blackjack pros, and reveals why the casinos seem to have such a high tolerance level for slot teams, who are virtually never barred.

Apparently, there is a gaming regulation in Nevada that implies that casinos are holding “in trust” for “the public” any progressive slot jackpot on any game that has a progressive slot jackpot, until a member of “the public” wins that jackpot. The specific wording of this regulation makes the casinos hesitant to exclude any member of “the public” from playing their progressive slots. The casinos fear the possibility of a lawsuit from some member of that all-inclusive public for whom their slot jackpot is being held in trust.

How To Win The Slot Machines In Pokemon Gold Coins

Cabot’s article is very enlightening. Don’t think that the casinos are unaware that many slot pros are “rude” to their regular customers. The casinos are very vexed with this problem. In my opinion, if slot pros continue to chase tourists away from the machines, it’s just a matter of time until the powers that be rewrite the regulations. The casinos have an enormous amount of political clout in Nevada, especially when it comes to keeping the tourists happy.

A big part of this problem arises from two misconceptions that pervade the slot world — one slot players’ misconception, and one casino operators’ misconception.

One: Many slot pros believe that it is more advantageous to take over all slot machines on a given bank in order to “lock up” the inevitable jackpot. This is false.

Two: Many casino operators believe that they do not profit from slot pros, since the pros only play on slot machines where the players have the advantage. This is also false.

To deal with the second misconception first: The casinos profit from slot pros the same way they do from their other slot customers. The slot pros’ advantage comes solely from the jackpot that is being held “in trust.” Technically, that is not even money that belongs to the casino. It is money the casino has already “lost.” It simply has not yet been determined which player has won that money.

While a slot pro is playing, the casino continues to “rake” the pot, and takes a profit from every pro’s dollar that is played. For a standard 8-5 jacks or better progressive, any time a professional slot team takes over a bank of these machines, regardless of how many machines are on the bank, and regardless of what the jackpot is at the time of takeover, the casino will profit, on average, $2,200 on quarter slots, or $8,800 on dollar slots, directly from the slot team’s play.

When a slot team moves in on a progressive dollar bank, they are virtually “paying” the casino $8,800.00 to “buy” the jackpot (which the casino doesn’t really even “own” anymore). Since the amount of money the slot pros are willing to pay the casino to buy the jackpot is money that those savvy players would not otherwise play in the casino at all, this money is all gravy to the casinos.

This profit to the casino will definitely be diminished by the number of non-pros who are pushed out of the casino by the slot team's “rudeness.” However, if these non-pros do not leave the casino, but simply move to other slot machines or games within the casino, there is no loss to the house of any of this profit from the slot team’s play.

As for the “cost” of “tourists” to a slot team — there is none. Whether or not the slot team takes over all machines on a bank or any portion of them, they will “pay” the same amount for that jackpot — $2,200 on quarter machines, or $8,800 on the dollars.


In fact, on video poker machines it is actually more advantageous to a slot team for tourists to continue pumping the jackpot up while team members shoot for it, because the tourists will continue to increase the slot jackpot total at no cost to the team, and at the same time the pros are still favorites by a long shot to win the jackpot, because most tourists play so poorly that they are far less likely to hit the jackpot.

The real problem in many slot departments these days is a supply-and-demand problem; specifically, there is a greater demand for progressive slot machines than the casinos are supplying. The overabundant slot pros are fighting for the profitable slot jackpot opportunities that arise, aggressively squeezing the “tourists” off the banks of machines they want to play. If there were enough progressive slot banks available to keep the pros busy, the casinos would maximize their profits by courting these pros with comps!

If I owned a casino in Las Vegas, I’d advertise “All Progressives All the Time!” And I’d put in unusual video poker machines to confuse the amateurs as much as possible, so that the video poker jackpots would get pumped up as high as possible as often as possible. I’d want the pros stalking my aisles ready to jump on any bank as soon as the profit opportunity hit an acceptable level.

I’d maintain a very cordial relationship with the professional slot players, with the understanding that these pros would not offend or pressure my regular customers. If the pros understood that they paid the same amount per jackpot whether or not they monopolized a bank, and if there were enough profitable jackpots to go around, “tourists” would be welcomed by the pros to continue pumping up those already profitable jackpots to even more profitable levels.

The sad situation described by Anthony Cabot is more a result of ignorance on both sides of this battle than any other factor. The casinos are sitting on a virtual gold mine with their progressive slots. They should be “milking” the pros for the real value these players represent, not resenting a gaming regulation that the casinos perceive to be tying their hands. ♠

The easiest way for normal slot players to win at slots is to play at online casinos with free money from the casino. See Arnold Snyder's How to Beat Internet Casinos and Poker Rooms.
For more information on how professional gamblers beat slots, video poker, roulette, keno and a wide variety of casino games, see the Blackjack Forum Library.

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Non-Japanese Version

The Game Corner - Voltorb Flip

Outside of Japan, the Game Corner got completely replaced. All slot machines were removed but replaced with a special game, the Voltorb Flip. In addition to this, the coin exchange has been removed so you can no longer purchase the coins in order to play the game. This game is a low risk game and works in a similar means to MineSweeper & Picross

You get given a small game board with 25 tiles in it. Your task here is to get multipliers. Intermixed with the multipliers are Voltorb tiles. However, on the sides, you get told how many Voltorbs are within the row and columns. As you get each multiplier on each board, you progress up a level. Each level has further Voltorb cards and less, but more powerful multipliers are placed. You have the ability to put notes of what you think the tile may be, so you have a reminder of what a Voltorb card may be. This makes it easier for you to get the coins you need to get the prizes.

Japanese Version

The Game Corner - Slots

The Game Corner has bween present in all games since the inception of Pokémon. In Heart Gold & Soul Silver however, it is found in two locations; Goldenrod City & Celadon City. The game however, remains the same and to use it, you need the Coin Case and some coins. You can buy some to get you started from the counter; 50 Coins for 1000 and 500 for 10000.

Like previous games, you place one coin into the machine and you start running slots. Your task is to get three icons in a row at any point, diagonally or horizontally. There are six different icons for you to get and the price is dependant on them. The prizes are as follows:

100 Coins100 Coins
15 Coins10 Coins
2 Coins Per ApricornFree Slots

However, the values may differ depending on the Machine. Specifically one in Goldenrod next to the gentleman in the middle on Sunday Mornings and one next to the large man in Celadon Game Corner


The slots are based upon Smeargle's drawing of the icons and its mood. These moods have an affect on the Game Corner and on the icons you can match. They change based on how much you win or lose against the Slot Machine

Green Background: Everything is normal and it is the first background you will see
Red Background: Easy to obtain PokéBall and 7 match-ups
Blue Background: Easy to obtain Pikachu and Marill match-ups

Bonus Mode

The Bonus mode is activated when you obtain 3 7s or 3 Pokéballs. In this Bonus Mode, you have to match up pictures of the starter Pokémon of Johto (Chikorita, Cyndaquil & Totodile). You have 8 tries to do this, and you get told the Pokémon you are to get. Usually, the machine will give you one or two of the slides and you have to stop the other one with perfect timing to win the prize

The prizes begin at 20 coins and progessively go up as you succeed more. The speed of the slots also increase to create a further challenge.


Both of the Game Corners have a Prize area where you can exchange your coins for a variety of prizes varying from TMs to Hold Items and even Pokémon

Goldenrod Game Corner


No.Move NameEffectTypeKindPrice
TM90SubstituteCreates a decoy using 1/4 of the user's maximum HP.2000 Coins
TM75Swords DanceA fighting dance that sharply raises ATTACK.4000 Coins
TM44RestThe user sleeps for 2 turns, restoring HP and status.6000 Coins
TM35FlamethrowerA powerful fire attack that may inflict a burn.10000 Coins
TM13Ice BeamBlasts the foe with an icy beam that may freeze it.10000 Coins
TM24ThunderboltA strong electrical attack that may paralyze the foe.10000 Coins


Silk ScarfAny Normal-type move's power is increased by 20%1000 Coins
Wide Lens Slightly raises accuracy of moves1000 Coins
Zoom Lens Accuracy increases if user is attacked by foe first in a turn1000 coins
Metronome Raises power of move if used consecutively1000 Coins


Level 20Level 20Level 20Level 20
200 Coins700 Coins700 Coins2100 Coins

Celadon Game Corner


No.Move NameEffectTypeKindPrice
TM58EndureEndures any attack for 1 turn, leaving at least 1HP.2000 Coins
TM32Double TeamCreates illusory copies to raise evasiveness.4000 Coins
TM10Hidden PowerThe effectiveness varies with the user.5000 Coins
TM29PsychicA powerful psychic attack that may lower SP. DEF.10000 Coins
TM74Gyro BallPower depends on foe's SPEED10000 Coins
TM68Giga ImpactUser cannot attack next turn15000 Coins


Silk ScarfAny Normal-type move's power is increased by 20%1000 Coins
Wide Lens Slightly raises accuracy of moves1000 Coins
Zoom Lens Accuracy increases if user is attacked by foe first in a turn1000 coins
Metronome Raises power of move if used consecutively1000 Coins


Mr. MimeEeveePorygon
Level 5Level 5Level 5
3333 Coins6666 Coins9999 Coins